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After a rigorous testing phase, you install the system for the users to use. You will train the users and provide them with the necessary user guides. You will then reach an agreement on the maintenance and upgrade needs. The different parts of the system are assigned to individuals or teams to deal with them. Database developers work on the database while system programmers handle the coding work. The Software Development Life Cycle is the process which guides you through the project from start to finish.

Why the system maintenance phase is often the most expensive phase?

Maintenance is the last phase that last longer than any other software life cycle. This make maintenance the most expensive or costly phase in the system development life cycle since it is long and time consuming.

When these portions are finished, they are delivered to the customer as complete modules. Let’s go through the phases for an understanding of how this model works. This model uses a sequential approach while working like a prototype.


The number of stages and names to describe those stages differ slightly between organizations; but the SDLC normally covers the activities shown in figure 1, each with a primary purpose. Holding a CASE credential the first phase of the systems development life cycle is means you’re able to protect and defend and at the end of the day, you’re able to help build a safer world. Also, by making an application more secure, you can defend both individuals and organizations globally.

While the iterative methodology might not have the same degree of name recognition, many teams naturally approach development in this way. This phase may conclude with a feasibility study to make sure your team can accomplish what you set out to do. Generally speaking, SDLC is about breaking down your software development workflow into essential steps or “phases,” from ideation through to delivery. During this initial phase, resources are put together and a project plan is devised by the project manager. The Systems Development Life Cycle is a process used in the development, creation, and maintenance of an information system. This process is often used in the creation or updating of a database system, and can serve as a useful tool for anyone trying to undertake a large database project.

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Since it is based on the user requirements, it is run on the user environment. There may be specific incompatibilities discovered at this stage. The developed system is broken down into smaller units/modules. The unit test that was designed during the program specification phase is used in this stage.

In short, the software development life cycle describes a methodology for advancing the quality of software and the overall software development method. Finally resources will be required to maintain and enhance the system over its operational life which can vary between 4 and 10 years. There is normally a formal hand-over of the system from the project team to the maintenance team. This will ensure that there is a defined time when the project is completed and that all the required documentation is produced. There are many systems in existence that are still supported by the original developer; and all knowledge of the system exists only in that individual’s head. The problem is that when this person leaves , there is no one with any knowledge of the system and the organization is at risk.

Structured Design

A proven method called the System Development Life Cycle ensures that you can effectively build an information system and put it to good use. Empower developers to write secure code and fix security issues fast. This stage ensures the system stays usable and relevant by regularly replacing outdated it cost transparency hardware, inspecting performance, improving software, and implementing new updates so all standards are met. This also equips the system with the latest technologies to face new and stronger cybersecurity threats. High-level design is divided into components and applications in Low-Level Design.

Because this document determines all future development, the stage cannot be completed until a conceptual design review has determined that the system specification properly addresses the motivating need. Unit, system, and user acceptance testings are often performed. This is a grey area as many different opinions exist as to what the stages of testing are and how much, if any iteration occurs. Iteration is not generally part of the waterfall model, but the means to rectify defects and validate fixes prior to deployment is incorporated into this phase. The first phase of the systems development life cycle is ________. The fifth phase involves systems integration and system testing —normally carried out by a Quality Assurance professional—to determine if the proposed design meets the initial set of business goals.

Conceptual Design

In the coding phase, tasks are divided into units or modules and assigned to the various developers. It is the longest phase of the Software Development Life Cycle process. The system development life cycle framework provides a sequence of activities for the first phase of the systems development life cycle is system designers and developers to follow. It consists of a set of steps or phases in which each phase of the SDLC uses the results of the previous one. The first step in the system definition phase of the systems development life cycle is to ________.

A choice can be made between the agile, waterfall or any other more suitable method. All the planning and decisions have been finalised at this point and a blueprint is drawn up. The actual implementation of the ideas in the blueprint is done cost transparency in this stage of SDLC. Tasks are divided into modules to be distributed among the developers according to their strengths. It is very important to keep the customers involved in every step of the way to avoid any kind of mis-communication.


Because there are several other systems used by the database, integrating the upgrade can take more time and effort. In the deployment phase, the application is made available to users. This can be as simple as a payment portal and download link on the company website. Defining requirements is considered part of planning to determine what the application is supposed to do and its requirements. For example, a social media application would require the ability to connect with a friend. Planning should clearly define the scope and purpose of the application.

This includes ensuring the system process is organized properly through a flow chart. Many consider this the most robust SDLC stage as all the labor-intensive tasks are accomplished here. Phase 4 represents the real beginning of software production and hardware installation . The main purpose of this step is to identify the scope of the problem and come up with different solutions.

Conclusion: The Process For Software Development

Over time, variations of the framework have been adopted for the development of hardware and software technology products and other complex projects. In step two, you determine the functional requirements of the information system – meaning, how the system will actually work on a daily basis. It’s easy to skip over the practical considerations when you’re designing a system software engineer on paper. In this phase, you should work closely with the end users to ensure that the system will work for them. A security testing provider offers tools that enable developers to perform tests on applications and development and production. This is the part when a network engineer, software developer, and/or programmer are brought on to conduct major work on the system.

Instead, systems generally evolve to match improvements in technology or to meet changing needs. For example, as the system analyst of Viti Bank, you have been tasked to examine the current information system. Customers in remote rural areas are finding difficulty to access the bank services.

The output from systems design is a detailed design specification incorporating technical, input, output, data and process specifications. In the past, much of the information was communicated in written form which was difficult to understand and often ambiguous. Imagine the builder having to construct a house from a written description. Like the output from analysis we have a number of innovative tools to help users and developers understand and communicate the workings of the system.

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By anticipating costly mistakes like failing to ask the end-user or client for feedback, SLDC can eliminate redundant rework and after-the-fact fixes. Based on everything we have talked about the software development lifecycle, some of the key highlights could be summed up as appended below. Bear in mind that SDLC is an ever-evolving phenomenon due to changing technology and industry needs. Feel free to improvise as a project manager – or a program manager for that matter.