reddit explain it like i'm 5

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In this part, we’ll explain the basics of an RDP connection. Keep in mind that for the sake of simplicity, some details were reddit explain it like i’m 5 left out. For more information about the connection (including exact structures, constants, etc.) please see [MS-RDPBCGR].

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reddit explain it like i'm 5

English speakers tend to mix cyan and blue into one category. It’s strange, but despite the fact that I am a native Russian speaker and we have clear distinction between cyan and blue, I kinda can agree that cyan feels a little bit bluish and doesn’t feel greenish at all.

reddit explain it like i'm 5

Essentially, RDP allows users to control their remote Windows machine as if they were working on it locally . It simply requests to explain the thing in very simple words, as if the person to whom it is being explained is just five years old. The final scenario is also typically between two working professionals, but is spoken more abruptly, in a manner that indicates frustration or impatience.

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And Bobby’s parents have put him on a diet, and he didn’t want them to figure out when he was buying sweets. With the release of the Panama Papers, revelations about the murky world of offshore banking are coming thick and fast. And how do you explain that there are sometimes good reasons for using offshore banking? Reddit user DanGliesack came up with a great way of conveying the complexity in reddit explain it like i’m 5 a lovely tale aimed at those who are five years old, and perhaps those a little bit older too. Comment one or two sentences as if you were explaining strategic visioning to a five-year-old. Sure, we try to explain it to each person we come in contact with. We hand out papers that go into detail about what we’re doing, why we’re doing it and the process we’re using to accomplish these goals.

Of course we still need some mathematical models of qualia. For example we need to explain why RGB input of an eye gives us such distinct colours like yellow, reddit explain it like i’m 5 magenta, cyan, black, white. Why don’t I perceive yellow as a greenish red or redish green? Maybe it’s a deal of cultural influennce, I don’t know.

Sometimes people don’t “get” it, or they “forget” that you’re sick because, like you said, you look fine. Thank you so much for sharing your experience — I’ve known several headache sufferers, and they often felt they had to suffer in silence since they didn’t “look” sick. I’m glad you found a good doctor and that you’re finding some relief…I hope those headache-free times expand and expand and expand. Whether this theory is true or not, my clinical experience is that one seven to ten minute treatment with the Biopulser wil reduce headaches by 40 to 100% for one to three days.

For example, the algorithm Google uses to determine the order of search results, called PageRank, is a type of Markov chain. …Which is a Reddit-associated video – first of a series, it appears – in which a couple of condescending dweebs explain Friedrich Nietsche to a group of kids so much smarter than they are that it’s pathetic. We’re not sure how you explain those things to a five-year-old though. Now in real life, many very important people were just caught hiding their piggy banks at Johnny’s house in Panama. Pretty soon, we’ll know more about which of these important people were doing it for bad reasons and which were doing it for good reasons. Elizabeth was stealing people’s lunch money and didn’t want her parents to figure it out.

If you look to the left, this blog even has a page dedicated to explaining it. Kind of like the Simple English version of Wikipedia, it’s a great way to learn about something that you never thought you’d be able to understand before.

The information you share, including that which might otherwise be Protected Health Information, to this site is by design open to the public and is not a private, secure service. You should think carefully before disclosing any personal information in any public forum. As with any public forum on any site, this information may also appear in third-party search engines like Google, MSN, Yahoo, etc. Your use of this site is reddit explain it like i’m 5 governed by Harvard University and its affiliates Terms of Use located at /privacy-policyand may be amended from time to time. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your healthcare provider or 911 immediately. Any mention of products or services is not meant as a guarantee, endorsement, or recommendation of the products, services, or companies. Reliance on any information provided is solely at your own risk.

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So a book has consciousness, but that consciousness doesn’t experience time. But it becomes a part of our consciousness when we read the book reddit explain it like i’m 5 . Maybe those questions above are some logical falacies that I’m falling into, but I have found one simple phenomena that make me doubt.

Reddit users voted en masse to name the whale “Mr. Splashy Pants”, and Reddit administrators encouraged the prank by changing the site logo to a whale during the voting. In December of that year, Mister Splashy Pants was announced as the winner of the competition. The online Reddit community conducts real-world meetups across the globe each summer.

The “Explain Like I’m Five” series has three videos, each tackling a different complicated topic and explaining it in a way that a 5 year old might understand. Topics include the crisis in Syria, the stock market, and existentialism.

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Caine gives Washington another fake painting so they can have a meet-cute. After she refused, she says, she saw a mysterious woman jump off the boat and envied her husband’s supposed mistress for her freedom. Turns out the plot of Christopher Nolan’s new movie is also a mystery to people who have seen it. Probably causality is indeed a good basis to define such natural information. However I see no good reasons why should we look at causality only in two neighboring moments of time. We could consider a content of a book to be information that is frozen in time until it produce some causal effect.

I’m use that it will be difficult for many people to believe, but I have found two new technologies that provide both immediate and cumulative relief for chronic headaches in over 90% of my headache patients. When I go out to eat, I stay away from sauces that are probably from a can — most restaurants don’t make sauces in house because it is too time consuming. I eat a big raw salad with the restaurant’s “house” dressing because they DO make up this dressing fresh — normally. After practicing these simple steps, I have found that I do NOT awaken with a very large migraine about 3 a.m. I just read the version of this that was on this morning and thought I’d write to tell you I have the same story, almost exactly. I especially understand what you mean about stretches of time with no headaches… feels like I was always planning around the time it takes to suffer headaches during the worst years, though things are thankfully getting better now. I won’t offer advice since like me I am sure you have heard it all.

From the time of writing this post, there is still no PoC/exploit available publicly. Due to the significant risk this vulnerability may pose to the public, we will not share any additional information at this moment. For further reading, here a few public references for in-depth analysis of DejaBlue. DejaBlue (CVE & CVE ) is another RCE vulnerability in Microsoft’s RDP server discovered in 2019. This time, the vulnerability affected all versions of Windows (7-10) up until the patch. DejaBlue is an integer overflow vulnerability that was present in a core DLL of the RDP server – RDPCoreTS.dll / RDPBase.dll .

Reddit has changed its site-wide editorial policies several times, sometimes in reaction to controversies. Following some controversial incidents of Internet vigilantism, Reddit introduced a strict rule against the publication of non-public personally-identifying information via the site . Those who break the rule are subject reddit explain it like i’m 5 to a site-wide ban, and their posts and even entire communities may be removed for breaking the rule. Reddit communities occasionally coordinate Reddit-external projects such as skewing polls on other websites, like the 2007 incident when Greenpeace allowed web users to decide the name of a humpback whale it was tracking.

Two adults try to lay out the issues with a group of children that aren’t shy about responding. I’d be willing to bet the videos will be helpful for many adults out there. Reddit dubs itself as “the front page of the Internet” and is often responsible for memes that spread throughout the web. The “Explain Like I’m Five” videos were funded by YouTube. Rather than Reddit trying to launch a lot of original programming, Reddit is using the series to push users to create their own videos. Social news-sharing site Reddit has launched new original web video series called “Explain Like I’m Five,” based on the discussions of Reddit users in a “subreddit” by the same name. Reddit has launched new original web video series called “Explain Like I’m Five,” based on the discussions of Reddit users in a ‘subreddit’ by the same name.